Lyme Disease: What are Biofilms?


Ever wonder why Lyme bacteria is so resilient? Its unique spirochete shape and its ability to form biofilms may be the reason why.

Keep reading to learn about what biofilms are and what this means for those with Lyme disease.

What is a biofilm?

Biofilm colonies are slimy layers of bacteria that adhere to surfaces inside the body. The bacteria multiply and create biofilm as a protective shield. These biofilms attract toxic heavy metals that increase their defensive strength. This tactic is believed to make them 1000x more resistant to antibiotics. This is one of the contributing factors behind the evasive and persistent nature of Lyme.

Why is Lyme bacteria so resilient?

One reason that Lyme bacteria is so resilient is because antibiotics aren’t effective against cells protected in biofilms. Even when the biofilm is destroyed, these cells can escape and create new biofilms. This cycle continues on and on, wreaking havoc on the body.

Lyme disease & Biofilm Research

The research regarding how biofilms affect Lyme disease is new and still needs more studies. According to Bay Area Lyme, “There are papers showing that Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, forms biofilms outside of a host (in vitro). Current studies are being done to probe the presence of biofilms in animal models and even human patient biopsy samples.”

When we talk about more research needing to be done for Lyme disease, this is one area we are referring to.

Do antibiotics trigger biofilm resistance?

Because biofilm is a mechanism used to create the bacteria, it is increased when these bacteria feel under attack from antibiotics. This results in a stronger, more resistant Lyme bacteria to linger in the body. Plus, prolonged use of antibiotics is not recommended, so it only makes it more difficult going forward to attack these biofilms.

Why is Lyme bacteria so difficult to detect?

When Lyme bacteria are encased in biofilms, they aren’t easily visible in solution. Diagnostic tests, such as blood tests, can then be unreliable when it comes to detecting Lyme bacteria.

How can I fight Lyme biofilms?

Key to fighting Lyme biofilms is 200 ppm Advanced Cellular Silver. Silver at 200 parts per million has been shown to kill off every bacteria, virus, and fungi it was tested against, including Borrelia burgdorferi.

Silver has been shown to penetrate biofilm colonies without damaging human tissue, making it safe for long-term use unlike antibiotics.

The morphological forms of Lyme, such as Biofilm colonies, are difficult to treat. While there is still much we don’t know, this understanding of biofilms is huge for those with Lyme and explaining its persistent nature.

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